
SEND and Inclusion


Here at The Hyde we pride ourselves on being a welcoming, friendly and inclusive community. Inclusion goes through The Hyde like words through a stick of rock - it underpins everything we do! 

The Hyde has an excellent reputation for supporting children with special educational needs (SEN). We place great emphasis on offering an engaging and accessible curriculum for all, but we also embrace difference and seek to include all pupils through a balance of high quality support for all and bespoke adaptations and adjustments for those children with a higher level of need.

We believe that all children benefit from the inclusion of children with additional needs in the mainstream setting. Children with SEN benefit from being with a range of other children, and those without additional needs learn how to respond with empathy and respect to a range of different needs. In the word of one of our Year 4 children, “Everyone at The Hyde is seen - no one is a ghost”.

We are lucky enough to have pupils and staff from all over the world, speaking over fifty different languages including British Sign Language. We have children and adults from many different backgrounds, faiths and cultures. For us this is a fantastic privilege and an amazing opportunity for our children to experience first hand situations and viewpoints that are different from their own.

We want our ethos and curriculum to reflect these core beliefs. When you walk into The Hyde, we hope you feel the warmth and sense of community that we all share!


Further information on our informal provision 
